Dylan Emmet

Dylan Emmet’s new single “Nothing To Think About” is one of my favorite new releases. First of all, I love guitar tracks so it was easy for me to enjoy this new song. Second, the hook melody is perfect and it is my favorite part of the song. It makes you want to listen to the song on repeat. Third, I love the r&b/pop influences on this song. It feels good.

I believe “Nothing To Think About” is Dylan Emmet’s best song yet, so make sure to check it out :)

“Nothing To Think About” is available now :)

Photo credit: Sergey Babcock

Hi Dylan, how are you? What have you been up to? 

Hey Virginie! I’m doing really well. I’ve been making tons of music per usual and living that dad life. That’s pretty much all I do. 

"Nothing To Think About" is your new single - what's the inspiration/story behind this song? 

The chorus of “Nothing To Think About” was originally inspired by my daughter. I’ve always had trouble with anxiety and staying in the moment. My little girl is the one person who grounds me and gets me out of my head and to just be present. I started thinking about what it would feel like to have a relationship that felt that way too. I wrote the rest of this song as a love letter to the future love of my life. I can’t wait to play it for her one day. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production for this particular single? Who helped you create it? 

Sure. I actually wrote and produced this song by myself. I started with the guitar part and free-styled pretty much the entire chorus into a voice memo. Lyrics and all. Once I had that, the rest of the song just flowed. Production wise, at first I had a different version with drums and such but it was taking away from the songwriting. Once I made this more minimal version based around the guitar,  I knew I had it. One cool thing about this song is a lot of the synths were actually just my vocals re-sampled and effected. I love doing that for a really organic feel. 

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

The fact that it came straight from my heart. 

What made you want to release "Nothing To Think About" as a single? 

I honestly knew as soon as I had that chorus that it would be a single. I fell in love with it immediately. 

What's your goal for this new song? 

To make people feel the way I do when I listen to a song that I’m in love with. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part by far is handling the business side and the musical side by myself. This song was finished almost a year ago but it takes so long to get the photos, shoot the video, make a marketing plan and everything else. I’m grateful though because as hard as it is, I have learned so much from every step. 

The best part by far is talking to fans and people telling me that my music and story  touched and inspired them. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. To help people with my music the way my favorite artists helped me. Playing live too is the absolute best. I can’t wait to play shows again soon. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Today’s music industry is absolutely crazy. It is constantly evolving and moving so fast. I love the fact that you can really build a huge audience by yourself as an independent artist. The opportunity is out there if you’re patient and willing to put in the work. 

I wish industry execs would start taking chances on artists before they have an audience like they used to. If Stevie Wonder came out today but didn’t have an Instagram following, they would pass on him. I hate that. I wish it was also about the music, not just streams, following, etc. 

What advice would you give to young artists? 

Write and finish as many songs as you possibly can. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Your mindset is everything. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

If more people meditated. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

Love yourself and love each other. Also, if you really want something in life, don’t settle. Fight for it. 

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