Good news
Hiiii :)
This week was pretty inspiring and busy and amazing.
I did my latest blood test on Thursday and I was nervous/excited to see if all my efforts did some good. At first, I was confused when I saw the results and kinda felt “depressed” because I thought my results were bad and I wanted to have better results. I’ve been working so hard on getting better. In my mind, I was like “okay I’m going to be healed in no time”, but I was just being impatient. Healing takes time and it’s only been 3 months. My friends (who are wayyyy smarter than me lol) told me my results were very positive and they were very excited for me. I was still confused until I got that phone call.
Guess what? I am actually getting better and all the things I’ve been doing (yoga, intermittent fasting, breathing exercises, meditation, vinegar apple cider, less sugar etc…) have been very beneficial. My doctor’s assistant called me to let me know I only had to take 1 pill instead of 2. I felt relieved, happy and it made me cry happy tears. Seriously. I’ve been working so hard, and it just feels amazing to know that everything I’m doing is working. This is a huge win for me. What makes me happier is that my doctor was 100% sure that she was going to double my dose of medication. But I proved her wrong :) (she’s super nice though).
Today I feel proud, empowered and even more motivated. I am going to keep working on my health until the day I die; and I will heal from this damn disease very soon :) Today I am going to include one more thing to my daily routine: cold showers. Cold showers reduce stress levels, improve your immune response (this is what I am looking for), cardiovascular circulation and vitality. They can last between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. So I am excited to try !! I will probably scream on the inside, but I know it will be worth it :)
I’ve been learning a lot with an amazing Instagram profile that my friend found for me. So make sure you follow them if you need more infos/help with your thyroid. Click here :)
I’m going to leave you with this quote that I saw on IG the other day.
Source: Carrie Vitt